

Pagination can be achieved by passing down the page query param at least. It should be a strictly positive number.




To make the pagination work with your adapter, it needs to implement the following method:

getPaginationData(query: Q): Promise<TPaginationData>

where query is the result of the parseQuery function of your adapter. It needs to return a Promise with the following shape:

type TPaginationDataPageBased = {
  total: number // total number of elements in the dataset, independent of pages
  pageCount: number // number of pages
  page: number // current page
type TPaginationData = TPaginationDataPageBased

Pages size

There are two ways to set a page size :

  • pass a limit query param in the URL, eg: /api/users?page=1&limit=10
  • add a pagination config to the NextCrud config

The result of a page request is the following:

type TPaginationResult<T> = {
  data: T[] // Page dataset
  pagination: TPaginationData