

Next Crud provides a support for Swagger. By default it is enabled only in development environment on the path /api/docs.

The support for Swagger has still improvements to be made, feel free to submit an issue if you see any bug or if you need a new feature!

You can configure that through the configuration of the NextCrud function under the swagger key using the following shape:

export type TSwaggerType = {
  name: string
  isArray?: boolean
  description?: string
  required?: boolean
export type TSwaggerOperation = {
  summary?: string
  responses?: Record<number, any>
  body?: TSwaggerType
  response: TSwaggerType
export type TSwaggerTag = {
  name?: string
  description?: string
  externalDocs?: {
    description: string
    url: string
export type TSwaggerParameter = {
  name: string
  description?: string
  schema: {
    type: string
  } & any
export type TSwaggerModelsConfig<M extends string> = {
  [key in M]?: {
    tag: TSwaggerTag //
    type?: TSwaggerType
    routeTypes?: {
      [RouteType.READ_ALL]?: TSwaggerOperation
      [RouteType.READ_ONE]?: TSwaggerOperation
      [RouteType.CREATE]?: TSwaggerOperation
      [RouteType.UPDATE]?: TSwaggerOperation
      [RouteType.DELETE]?: TSwaggerOperation
    additionalQueryParams?: TSwaggerParameter[]
export type TSwaggerConfig<M extends string> = {
  title?: string // Title of the Swagger
  enabled?: boolean
  path?: string // Path to the docs
  apiUrl: string // URL that points to the API root, eg: http://localhost:3000/api
  config?: TSwaggerModelsConfig<M>

If you need to provide a JSON Schema to your model, it will need to be provided by the getModelsJsonSchema method of your adapter. By default, the Prisma adapter provides the JSON Schema for your models and inputs.