Query params

Query params

You can add some criteria to your queries using the query params. Here is the list of the supported query params:


A list of fields which will be retrieved to the model. You can select nested fields by just separating the fields with a ..

Example :


will return a response with the following shape

  id: 'something',
  username: 'something',
  articles: [
      id: 'something'


A list of fields which corresponds to the model relations to include. You can aswell include nested fields just like you would do with select

Example :


With Prisma, make sure you don't use include in combination with select or the request will fail.


A JSON representation of the search conditions, heavily inspired on what nest-crud (opens in a new tab) does. It supports the following operators:

  • $eq (=, equal)
  • $neq (!=, not equal)
  • $in (IN, in range, must be an array)
  • $notin (NOT IN, not in range, must be an array)
  • $lt (<, lower than, must be a numeric value)
  • $lte (<=, lower than or equal, must be a numeric value)
  • $gt (>, greater than, must be a numeric value)
  • $gte (>=, greater than or equal, must be a numeric value)
  • $cont (LIKE %val%, contains string value)
  • $starts (LIKE val%, field starts with value)
  • $ends (LIKE %val, field ends with value)
  • $isnull, (IS NULL, must be used in a string, e.g: "myfield": "$isnull")

We also provide 3 operators to combine multiple search:

  • $and (AND), should be an object, this is the same thing as just providing an JSON object to the query param
  • $or (OR), should be an object, this will apply an OR condition between each properties of the object
  • $not (NOT), should be an object, this should match all the data in the database that do not match those criteria.

Example :

/api/users?where={"email":{"$and":{"$starts":"john", "$ends":".com"}}}


A JSON representation of the field to order by and its direction. This should be an object containing only 1 key (name of the field to order by) with a valid order operator. These are the 2 available operators:

  • $asc for ascending order
  • $desc for descending order

Example :



A number representing the number of element to return

Example :



The number of element to skip the first n elements from the query

Example :



A field name on which the duplicates are removed from the dataset

Example :
